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Include Punjab in Atal Bhujal Yojana for Ground Water Management – Demands MP Vikram Sahney

Press Coverage
29 July 2024

Include Punjab in Atal Bhujal Yojana for Ground Water Management – Demands MP Vikram Sahney

Dr. Vikramjit Sahney, MP- Rajya Sabha today demanded that Punjab should be immediately included in Atal Bhujal Yojana for the sustainable ground water management in Punjab. Dr. Sahney said that Punjab contributes 47% of wheat and 21% of rice to central pool. So it is extracting excess water from the ground to ensure food security of the country and in the process Punjab is facing ground water depletion and deterioration. Minister of Jal Shakti informed the House that Punjab has not fulfilled the criteria for the Atal Bhujal Yojana and State Government should answer the same.

Dr. Sahney rebutted the same and gave a guarantee on the floor of the House that Punjab has complied with all the parameters of the Yojana and even Incentivization scheme for bridging irrigation gap (ISBIG)is pending for launch by the central government which would address Punjab ground water issues.

Dr. Sahney added that Punjab ground water utilization stands 164% and levels could drop below 1000 feet by 2039. He also expressed concern over the delay in implementation of master plan for artificial recharge to ground water 2020 which envisages construction of 11 Lakh rain water harvesting structures.